At Move It Dance & Fitness there is something for everyone to get their groove on!
Ageing enrolment guideline - it is recommended that dancers enrol based on the age they will be/were on January 1st of that year. Teachers will recommend class movements if it is of the best belief from class observation that the student would be benefit from being in a different level.
Tiny Movers
1 - 2 yrs
Mini Movers
2 - 3 yrs
Creative Ballet
3 - 4 yrs
Creative Tap/Jazz
3 - 4 yrs
A fun, social introduction to dance and movement​
Mums/Dads move together with Bub through dance and action
Develops motor skills, movement skills, balancing, coordination, rhythm, musicality and lots more
​Fundamental movement skills
Great for musicality, coordination, balance, strength and motor development
Develops social skills and confidence
Fun, inclusive and encouraging environment built for little groovers!
A fun, creative introduction to ballet foundations
Watch your little ones thrive learning fundamental ballet technique in a creative environment
A great way to build little ones independence, social skills, rhythm, coordination and motor development
A fun, creative introduction to tap and jazz style dancing
A great way to build little ones independence, social skills, rhythm, coordination and motor development
2 styles in one class! A great way to keep little ones engaged and enjoying their dance classes week by week
Pre-Junior Tap & Jazz
6 yrs - 9 yrs
Pre-Junior Lyrical Ballet
6 - 9 yrs
Foundation Tap/Jazz
4 - 6 yrs
Foundation Ballet
4 - 6 yrs
Structuring and formalizing creative techniques in ballet foundations
Inclusive and encouraging environment
Builds musicality and rhythm, stamina, coordination skills, flexibility, endurance
Structuring and formalizing creative techniques in tap and jazz styles
Inclusive and encouraging environment
2 styles in one class!
Foundation technique, musicality and rhythm, stamina building, coordination skills, stretch, flexibility, endurance, choreography
Learn and develop ballet fundamentals, whilst exploring flowy expressive movements in a lyrical style
Inclusive and encouraging environment
Experienced and non experienced dancers
Builds musicality and rhythm, stamina, coordination skills, flexibility, endurance
Learn technique and develop skills in tap and jazz styles
Inclusive and encouraging environment
Experienced and non experienced dancers
2 styles in one class!
Builds and challenges technique, musicality and rhythm, stamina building, coordination skills, stretch, flexibility, endurance, choreography
Junior Lyrical Ballet
9 yrs - 12 yrs
Adult Tap
16+ yrs
Barre Pilates
16+ yrs
Junior Tap & Jazz
9 yrs - 12 yrs
Pilates Flow
(child friendly)
16+ yrs
Learn and develop ballet fundamentals, whilst exploring flowy expressive movements in a lyrical style
Inclusive and encouraging environment
Experienced and non experienced dancers
Builds musicality and rhythm, stamina, coordination skills, flexibility, endurance
Learn technique and develop skills in tap and jazz styles
Inclusive and encouraging environment
Experienced and non experienced dancers
2 styles in one class!
Builds and challenges technique, musicality and rhythm, stamina building, coordination skills, stretch, flexibility, endurance, choreography
An inclusive and supporting environment to learn tap dancing fundamentals and technique for adults
Enjoy the many benefits including cardio fitness, rhythm and timing, coordination, balance and most of all a fun, social weekly activity for you and friends
All abilities and experience levels, caters for all, everyone welcome!
A combination of the principals of Pilates, ballet and yoga.
A fusion of these styles to create an overall workout that tones and strengthens the body
Improves flexibility, control and endurance
A workout for anyone from beginner to advanced, no dance experience is required
A blend of Pilates strength and endurance exercises that create a balanced, flowing routine.
Tones, strengthens and improves flexibility the body
A workout for anyone from beginner to advanced, no dance experience is required
Freedom to bring your children along to your classes
Fun, supportive, inclusive and encouraging environment